Charles and Kira Morgan: Winners of the Spirit of Gumball award

Charles and Kira Morgan participate in the Gumball 3000.

img-3Los Angeles, CA
May 25th 2012: Hero clothing brand Superdry and heritage car manufacturer Morgan Motor Company team up again to showcase their Morgan 3 Wheeler- Superdry Edition; these two iconic British brands join forces to compete in the Gumball 3000 with Charles Morgan behind the wheel.

On the 1st of May Charles took an absolutely standard Superdry 3 Wheeler from the end of the line of production and completed 500 miles of running in. The car was then shipped to Manhatten Motorsports (the Morgan dealer in New York) so Charles and Kira Morgan could begin the legendary race.img-3

New York to Los Angeles, 7 days, 2 countries, 12 states, driving 3000 miles, the adventure of a lifetime! With key check-points and parties on route. The event combined automobiles with music, film and entertainment throughout the 3000 miles, closing the streets in each city to create a Gumball festival! 100 of the world’s most beautiful, expensive, desirable, classic, eco and extravagant automobiles converge on the Big Apple, with 200 participants taking part, flying in from over 40 countries to take their place on this exclusive grid!

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